Escalating to the END TIMES

As of January 2024, this blog will begin a weekly or bi-weekly profile of books, articles, or videos by whistleblowers and truth-tellers proving to the world that the human condition is in a dire state of MAYDAY! because crime and corruption in high places has been allowed to prevail.
As of January 2025,this blog will begin a weekly or bi-weekly posting of lamentation about the nature of mankind throughout the Centuries and Millennia.

Monday, December 16, 2024

#315: Mayday Monday - SCC (et al.) - RE-ED SESSION EIGHTEEN

Further to the Déjà Vu Times post: Open Directive to the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) From Their Supervisors1 and the directive to tune into Mayday – The Human Condition every Monday for re-education vlogs, blogs, books, etc. featuring diverse thinkers: here is Session Eighteen for the SCC, the SCJ- Ontario, the CPO, et al.:

NOTE: the Ontario Human Rights Commission2 and all other coercive-minded HR Commissions are hereby added to the directive for re-education about the déjà vus of coercion and tyranny.

Re-ed assignment for the balance of December 2024:
1. Read the book, The Return of the Gods.
2. On or before December 31, 2024, debate with a colleague (or with yourself):
a) whether evidence supports that the gods have returned?
b) whether society is better off now than it was a decade ago?
c) whether compelling actions or speech of others manifests the hubris of ancient gods? and
d) what role, if any, R.I.C.E.3 played/s in your adjudications?
2. “Ontario Human Rights Tribunal fines Emo Township for refusing Pride proclamation: The township and mayor are ordered to pay 15-thousand dollars to Borderland Pride
“In addition to the compensation, the tribunal also ordered McQuaker and the Chief Administrative Officer of the municipality to complete a "Human Rights 101" training course offered by the Ontario Human Rights Commission within 30 days.”
• “Ontario Human Rights Tribunal fines Emo Township for refusing to honour Pride month”
3. R.I.C.E.: Reward.Ideology.Coercion/Corruption.Ego

Monday, December 9, 2024

#314: Mayday Monday - SCC (et al.) - RE-ED SESSION SEVENTEEN

Further to the Déjà Vu Times post: Open Directive to the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC)From Their Supervisors1 and the directive to tune into Mayday – The Human Condition every Monday for re-education vlogs, blogs, books, etc. featuring diverse thinkers: here is Session Seventeen for the SCC, the SCJ- Ontario, the CPO, et al.:
All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. All these aspirations are directed toward ennobling man's life, lifting it from the sphere of mere physical existence and leading the individual towards freedom. It is no mere chance that our older universities developed from clerical schools. Both churches and universities — insofar as they live up to their true function — serve the ennoblement of the individual. They seek to fulfill this great task by spreading moral and cultural understanding, renouncing the use of brute force.

“The essential unity of ecclesiastical and secular institutions was lost during the 19th century, to the point of senseless hostility. Yet there was never any doubt as to the striving for culture. No one doubted the sacredness of the goal. It was the approach that was disputed.”*
Re-ed Assignment:
1. Journal your thoughts about the above quote by Albert Einstein.
2. Write a pro and con assessment of why coerced re-education does or does not constitute a form of “brute force.”
3. Explain “by what authority” a person or group can direct another to follow a directive that is contrary to the conscience of that other person.
4. Explain if and how coercion of conscience or thought serves “the ennoblement of the individual.”
* "Moral Decay" (1937); Later published in Out of My Later Years (1950)

Monday, December 2, 2024

#313: Mayday Monday - SCC (et al.) - RE-ED SESSION SIXTEEN

Further to the Déjà Vu Times post: Open Directive to the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) From Their Supervisors1 and the directive to tune into Mayday – The Human Condition every Monday for re-education vlogs, blogs, books, etc. featuring diverse thinkers and texts: here is Session Sixteen for the SCC, the SCJ- Ontario, the CPO, et al.:
1. Find a friend or colleague that you respect.
2. Arrange a debate day and time to debate the following religious text:
4 And now, verily I [the Lord] say unto you concerning the laws of the land, it is my will that my people should observe to do all things whatsoever I command them.
5 And that law of the land which is constitutional, supporting that principle of freedom in maintaining rights and privileges, belongs to all mankind, and is justifiable before me.
6 Therefore, I, the Lord, justify you, and your brethren of my church, in befriending that law which is the constitutional law of the land;
7 And as pertaining to law of man, whatsoever is more or less than this, cometh of evil.
8 I, the Lord God, make you free, therefore ye are free indeed; and the law also maketh you free.
9 Nevertheless, when the wicked rule the people mourn.
10 Wherefore, honest men and wise men should be sought for diligently, and good men and wise men ye should observe to uphold; otherwise whatsoever is less than these cometh of evil.
11 And I give unto you a commandment, that ye shall forsake all evil and cleave unto all good, that ye shall live by every word which proceedeth forth out of the mouth of God.
12 For he will give unto the faithful line upon line, precept upon precept; and I will try you and prove you herewith (Doctrine and Covenants | Section 98:4–12).
3. Invite an audience of 3 or more to attend the debate.
4. Prepare two debate positions: first in support and second in opposition to the above text.
5. On the day and time arranged, flip a coin as to which debater takes the pro and which the con side.
6. Each debater argues for 10 minutes (or otherwise as may be agreed upon), before the invited audience, with rebuttal as also agreed upon.
7. Invite the auditors to vote on which position prevailed in their opinion
8. Round two: Reverse debate position to argue and rebut for times agreed upon.
9. Invite the auditors to vote on which position prevailed in their opinion in round two.
10. Invite the auditors to supplement points that, in their opinion, were missed on either side.
11. Serve cheese, crackers, and apple juice to guests and participants.
12. Before retiring for the night, journal your concluding thoughts.