Escalating to the END TIMES

As of January 2024, this blog will begin a weekly or bi-weekly profile of books, articles, or videos by whistleblowers and truth-tellers proving to the world that the human condition is in a dire state of MAYDAY! because crime and corruption in high places has been allowed to prevail.
As of January 2025,this blog will begin a weekly or bi-weekly posting of lamentation about the nature of mankind throughout the Centuries and Millennia.

Monday, January 1, 2024

#249: Mayday Monday: “Stealth Power ...”

(Reading for reality awareness)

Stealth Power and the Illusion of Democracy: Using AI to understand the Puppet Masters – December 3, 2023
By Peter G Duke (Author [/ Editor])

Reviewed in the United States on December 26, 2023 by SMS
Read and be awakened!
From my observation and study of history, “Stealth Power ...” exposes the guiding principles that under gird every pursuit or conspiracy for world-control, no matter the nation, tongue, time, place, or people. History is riddled with such attempts, far east to far west, north to south; and until we acknowledge that the obsessive pursuit and protection of power, gain, glory, and domination has plagued every age of history, we will never understand the events of our own time, so buy/read “Stealth Power ...” and be awakened to the patterns and principles.
For those who prefer video to text or who want to preview the book, they can watch this interview:
Rumble: Live with Peter Duke, author, "Stealth Power and the Illusion of Democracy" Dec. 13, 2023 (McDuff Lives | Dec 13, 2023 | Time 1:01:59 min) at
YouTube: Live with Peter Duke, author, "Stealth Power and the Illusion of Democracy" Dec. 13, 2023 (McDuff Lives 3 | Dec 13, 2023 | Time 1:02:01 min) at
As Duke suggests, compare the 24 stealth principles to the history and headlines of the past two centuries from around the world and decide: 1) are these principles now in full play? 2) will I allow myself to see and hear? 3) what will I do to expose and resist them?

Other resourcs:
Video: #1 Radical Thought Leaders (TheDukeReport | Dec 5, 2023 | Time 1:20:50 min.) at
Book available at: