Escalating to the END TIMES

As of January 2024, this blog will begin a weekly or bi-weekly profile of books, articles, or videos by whistleblowers and truth-tellers proving to the world that the human condition is in a dire state of MAYDAY! because crime and corruption in high places has been allowed to prevail.
As of January 2025,this blog will begin a weekly or bi-weekly posting of lamentation about the nature of mankind throughout the Centuries and Millennia.

Thursday, May 5, 2022

#005: “Plainness of Speech”

Self-reflection: How do I accept “plainness of speech”?

22 And there were exceedingly many prophets among us. And the people were a stiffnecked people, hard to understand.
23 And there was nothing save it was exceeding harshness, preaching and prophesying of wars, and contentions, and destructions, and continually reminding them of death, and the duration of eternity, and the judgments and the power of God, and all these things—stirring them up continually to keep them in the fear of the Lord. I say there was nothing short of these things, and exceedingly great plainness of speech, would keep them from going down speedily to destruction. And after this manner do I write concerning them.

Book of Mormon | Enos 1:22-24